

Status: BETA


  • Products sent via API

  • Inventory sent via API

  • Automates Order Import and Management


Connecting to Fruugo

Once you have been approved as a seller on Fruugo and your account has been set up, you can create the connection in Dianxiaomi:

  1. Log into DianXiaoMi

  2. Navigate to “Shop Authorization”, and enter “Fruugo” in the search bar.

  3. Click on the Fruugo icon.

  4. Click on the “Add Authorization” button.

  5. Enter your Fruugo email address and password.

  6. Click “Authorization”.


Settings & Publishing Fruugo Products

After authorizing your account, please set your account currency so you can start listing products.

  1. Log into DianXiaoMi

  2. Click “Published → Fruugo: listing/published” in the top menu to access the list of products to be published on Fruugo.

  3. In the “Goods to be released” tab, click the upper right button “Create Products” to get to the product information editing page.

  4. Once you’re done editing your data, click “Save and Publish” at the bottom of the page to list the products on Fruugo.

  5. Go back to the “Goods to be released” tab to check the status of your products.

  6. The initial status will be “Publishing”. Once the products have been created on Fruugo, this status will change to either “Successfully published” or “Failed to publish”.


Webhook URL

During the integration process, your Fruugo Integration Specialist will ask you for your webhook URL. Please contact the DianXiaoMi team to obtain this URL.


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