
What are they?

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A category is an attribute used to help identify and locate similar or related products. 

Categories enable: 

  • Customers to easily navigate and find your products on Fruugo

  • Fruugo to advertise your products with our partners

Together, product categories form a taxonomy, or category tree. The Fruugo category structure is a neutral category tree that aggregates all types of products without favouring any categories. It's got an extensive range of categories which should accurately account for all product types.

Our category tree is closely aligned to the Google Shopping Taxonomy, to ease the categorisation process . The key benefit of the Fruugo category tree is the extended nature of some key categories. This allows you to specify a gender and/or age for your product types.

How do I assign them?

You can assign a Fruugo category path to your products by populating the ‘Category’ / <Category> field in your respective feed format. You must provide the full category path for the product in your catalogue to list your products on Fruugo. Please note that category paths are case sensitive and must be provided in English.

Please see below for some examples of correct and incorrect category paths.


Product Title

Category Path



Product Title

Category Path



Blue Boys Sleepsuit

Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Baby & Toddler Clothing > Baby & Toddler Sleepwear > Boys

✔ Correct


Blue Boys Sleepsuit

Baby & Toddler Sleepwear > Boys


In these two examples, row #1 is correct because it a complete category path and row #2 is incorrect because it is missing part of the category path.


Product Title

Category Path



Product Title

Category Path



Mens Aviator Sunglasses

Apparel & Accessories > Clothing Accessories > Sunglasses > Mens

✔ Correct


Mens Aviator Sunglasses

Apparel & Accessories > Clothing Accessories > Sunglasses


In these two examples, row #1 is correct because it is a complete category path and row #2 is incorrect because it is missing part of the category path.

Please note that having an incorrect category path will mean that the affected SKUs will be assigned a quality error and not be available for sale on Fruugo.



Are my categories OK?

Once you have identified and assigned a category path to your products, we use our product categorisation service to ensure that the category you have selected is an accurate representation of the product that you’ve shared with us.

Ensuring that the correct category has been selected is important for us to advertise your products and for customers to navigate your catalogue.