Account Set-up & Integration

Account Set-up & Integration

Within this section you will find information on the process and set-up for Fruugo to enable to list your products globally with Fruugo, utilising our unique technology which localising the transaction both for the customer and for the retailer.

Account approval

During discussions with our Business Development team they will outline the configuration of your account, advise you on Fruugo, make you aware of the requirements, and finally hand-off this agreed account summary to your Integration Specialist. It is these agreed terms which dictate the method and expectancy for the integration process, and allows your Integration Specialist to know the acceptance criteria for the integration to be completed. The objective is to launch your account in all agreed Fruugo countries and with all potential issues which could affect your account performance rectified.

As part of the acceptance process with our Business Development team they will look to confirm details such as:

  • The SKU volume you intend to list on Fruugo during the integration
  • The location(s) from which you will ship orders
  • Tax registration location(s)
  • The countries you will be visible/sell to on Fruugo
  • The currency of your account for the pricing & payments
  • Your integration method and platform
  • Your fulfillment times and logistics method
  • Your timescale on beginning the integration onto Fruugo

The Business Development team will also advise you of the requirements for Fruugo, make you aware of any implications, provide information on how Fruugo works, answer any questions you may have, and advise you on the next steps.


After sign-up and handover, the integration will begin and throughout the integration of your account into Fruugo your Integration Specialist will be on hand to review all submissions and make you aware of any issues which are presented to enable you to correct these prior to launch. It therefore allows your account to be in a position once launched globally that you should not encounter problems.

Your Integration Specialist will look to review your full product range as agreed with our the Business Development team to ensure we can market your products across effectively across our network, as well as that all countries are included for shipment to maximise your exposure. They will also raise any possible compliance problems which you could encounter to preempt issues before they occur.

You will find specific guidelines and information on the steps of the Integration for Fruugo on the sub-pages for this section via the links below.

Terms & Conditions

To view the Fruugo Terms & Conditions which all retailers must agree to on the completion of your account creation, please click here: Fruugo Terms & Conditions.

Please note: All accounts are limited to a maximum of 150,000 SKUs per account unless specifically agreed & authorised by Fruugo.

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