Commission Rate Adjustment Dial

Did you know the large majority of Fruugo commission is directly spent on promoting YOUR products in your chosen Fruugo countries around the world?

Increase Sales

Fruugo’s systems optimise spend with Google, Bing, Facebook, our affiliate network and local shopping portals, based upon the amount of commission available on each product. Boost your sales by increasing your commission rate.

Commission Rate Adjustment Dial

Within the Retailer Portal ( there is a new feature - the Commission Rate Adjuster Dial. The dial allows you to increase the commission rate which is charged on your orders, and any increase in commission available therefore automatically increases marketing spend.

Use the Commission Rate Adjuster Dial to set your preferred commission rate above the default value of 15%.

Any increase will apply straight away, and immediately increase the marketing spend. Any subsequent reduction will take effect 14 days after setting, and you will not be able to reduce the rate below the default 15%.