Retailer Support & Documentation

Welcome to the Fruugo Retailer Support & Documentation Wiki

Within the wiki you will find a range of help articles and FAQs that aid your selling on Fruugo. Included you will find information such as a user guide for the Retailer Portal, details of Fruugo's APIs, the specification for the product feed, and how to complete the shipping charge templates.

The wiki helps you finding the key information you are looking for quickly and easily within a simple help page. You can also browse by topic or do a keyword search to locate the article you are looking for at anytime.

Frequently asked questions

Useful Resources

  • Retailer Portal

    The Retailer Portal - - allows you to manage your orders easily and also answer all customer enquiries.
  • Customer Support

    Our Customer Services team can be contacted via for any advice and assistance you may require while managing your Fruugo orders or customer enquiries.
  • Payments & Invoice Support

    Our Accounts team can be contacted via for any advice and assistance you may require with your Fruugo payments, invoicing and reconcilliation.
  • Account Management

    Our Account Management team can be contacted at for any advice on  performance, sales, reporting and development.
  • Technical Support

    Our Technical team can be contacted via the Technical Support Desk - or via from your registered email address - should you encounter any issues with your products, including pricing; shipping; or with your integration once you're live.

Other resources

  • Coming soon

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