Lengow is the e-commerce automation solution that helps brands and distributors improve their performance, automate their business processes, and grow internationally.
Add Fruugo channel to Lengow
To display your products on Fruugo, check that your products catalogue contains the data normally required. Note: you don't have these values in your products catalogue? Contact the Lengow Support Team!
Add a channel catalogue
Add a Fruugo channel catalogue in your Lengow account.
Add a channel catalogue Complete Attributes Matching
Match your products catalogue fields with the fields requested by the channel, based on fields definitions. If necessary, enter hard values, use functions and/or adapt the values by creating rules. For fields with valid values, select the suggested value or match with your products catalogue values.
Some fields are mandatory and must be completed. Other fields are optional but Fruugo recommends you to fill them in to improve your products visibility.
1. Set up special offers
To manage promotions, fill in these fields:
- NormalPriceWithVAT: Indicate the standard price before promotion
- DiscountPriceWithVAT: Indicate the discounted price with VAT
- DiscountPriceStartDate: Specify the start date of the promotion
- DiscountPriceEndDate: Indicate the end date of the promotion
Date format accepted by Fruugo: DD:MM:YY; DD:MM:YYYY; YY:MM:DD; YYYY:MM:DD; DDMM-YY; DD-MM-YYYY; YY-MM-DD; YYYY-MM-DD
2. Delivery methods & costs
Your delivery charges should be provided to your Fruugo Integration contact directly via the supplied Fruugo Shipping Template.
Please refer to the Fruugo Support Wiki for assistance.
3. Variations
Fruugo accepts product variations. The following attributes are to be completed to set up your variation:
- Sku id: Unique ID of the variant product (child line)
- Product id: Parent product ID (common to all variant products
- Size: Use this attribute if you decline your products on the size
- Color: Use this attribute if you decline your products on color
- Attribute 1 - 10: If you want to decline your products on a variable other than the size or the color (ex: fabric), use the attributes "Attribute1" etc ...
4. Launch the channel catalogue
Before the launch, make sure your Fruugo seller account is open and your FTP Content account is created.
Once your Fruugo seller shop has been created:
Communicate the URL of your optimized catalog (Launching Step of configuration) to your Fruugo Integration Specialist. They will verify the content, advise of amendments, and set up an automatic recovery of your feed from Lengow (hourly once launched).
5. Stop advertising / Delete a product
If your product is no longer in stock but must continue to be displayed then complete these attributes:
- StockStatus with the value OUTOFSTOCK
- StockQuantity with the value 0
If your product is permanently unavailable and needs to be removed from the Fruugo marketplace then proceed to a product exclusion from Lengow.
See our article on exclusions here!
Manage your orders
You can manage your orders in the Lengow platform.
1. Order retrieval
Orders go through various statuses in Lengow while being processed:
- Waiting for acceptance. Here is what you can do at this stage:
- accept the order
- refuse the order
- Accepted: The order has been accepted by Fruugo. At this stage, you cannot carry out any action. The order's status will change automatically in "Waiting for shipment".
- Waiting for shipment. Here is what you can do at this stage:confirm order shipment. You should enter a tracking number and carrier to confirm the order shipment.
- Shipped : The order has been shipped.
- Cancelled. At this stage, you cannot carry out any action.
Contact Fruugo
To join Fruugo please visit the Fruugo enquiries form:
https://sell.fruugo.com/fr/registration or email business.development@fruugo.com