You must not advertise any products which do not meet the relevant safety standards as these products can be extremely dangerous for customers to use. It is a retailers sole responsibility to ensure all products made available for sale on the Fruugo platform comply with all safety requirements for the country it is being shipped to.
When we are alerted by a government or regulatory authority that a dangerous product has been advertised on Fruugo we will immediately suspend this product from sale and notify you about this. We may be required to pass your seller details across to the government or regulatory agency so they can contact you directly. You must respond to and comply with any requests sent by a government or regulatory agency.
You are responsible for ensuring that all products listed by you have met all applicable product safety requirements and contain the correct labelling (including CE mark but not limited to the CE/UKCA/CE UKNI marks and the manufacturer name and address).
Fruugo may request documentary evidence of compliance with all safety regulations at any time, for example a request for a Technical File, safety documents or images of product packaging.
Our Legal Team may contact you in regards to a product which has been declared dangerous on the RAPEX Alerts, OPSS Alerts, or via another reporting system. If we locate a dangerous product on Fruugo that has been submitted as a RAPEX alert for a dangerous product we will immediately suspend this product from sale and contact you to advise what product has been removed, and the alert which identifies the product as dangerous You will also be advised if a product recall is required.
If a product recall is required, Fruugo will contact all customers who have purchased the dangerous item from you and request that they immediately cease use of this item and dispose of it immediately. After a customer has confirmed that they have destroyed this item we will issue the customer with a full refund at your expense. The recall conducted by Fruugo is an additional measure taken by Fruugo to ensure all customers are aware of the risks. Where a recall is ordered, you must also contact all customers who have purchased this item to inform them of the risks identified with the product and to recall the product.
If you believe that a RAPEX notification about a dangerous product is incorrect please notify the Legal Team and provide all safety documentation to demonstrate that the risk alerted to in the RAPEX Alert alert does not concern your product. If the Legal Team is satisfied that these documents prove that your product does not pose a risk to consumers we will reinstate your product.
Please be aware that we will, where required, cooperate with law enforcement agencies and courts in respect to any of the products listed by you and/or in respect to any behaviour or conduct by you that warrants investigation or scrutiny. x
At Fruugo’s sole and absolute discretion a charge may be issued for the removal of any prohibited products. Please see Schedule 2 in the Retailer Terms and Conditions for further information.
The RAPEX Safety Gate database can be viewed here -