What is it?
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Insights is a module within Retailer Portal that displays key performance information. It provides merchants with data-driven insights into their account, sales, and service levels to help inform and support them in making decisions to improve performance and customer satisfaction.
Our Insights module is currently provided alongside our monthly Retailer Dashboard report. Over time, Insights will grow and include more information from the dashboard and beyond to provide a wealth of data, in real time, to help you grow. If you have any suggestions or would like to share your thoughts on what data you find useful, please use the Request Dashboard Features button in Retailer Portal or click on the Quick Links below.
What can I do?
Quick LinksIn Insights, you can view Your sales information in real time. By default, the date range is set to display the past 30 days. If you’d like to change the date range, just select your From date and To date.
Please note that the data points displayed depend on the length of the range you’ve selected:
Equal or less than 14 calendar days: daily data points
Between 15-60 calendar days: weekly data points
Greater than 60 calendar days: monthly data points
On the Your sales tab, you can view some key information by both Count and Value - just use the toggle button to flick between the two to see your:
Orders over time
Orders by category
Orders by country
Finally, we’ve introduced a Country presence indicator so you can easily see which markets you are active in, and those that you aren’t. If you’d like to expand your country presence, please use contact us to make a change to your Shipping Template, or, if you’ve already got access to our new Shipping Manager module, you can add, edit, and disable your active countries yourself.
Request Dashboard Features