Shipping Specification

Shipping Specification

The way to submit your shipping charges for use on the Fruugo system is via the completion and return of the Fruugo Shipping Template which is easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet.

The Fruugo Shipping Template must contain all the information required for each country your products are to feature, in order to calculate the correct shipping charge at the point of order.

Shipping Specification

The shipping template is an Excel (xlsx) file which contains 10 fields with only 5 being mandatory, and the remaining being completed depending on your chosen method of shipping.

The template contains two worksheets within it โ€“ one for Domestic Shipping โ€“ and โ€“ one for International shipping.

Basic Field Information

Field Header NameMandatory or OptionalDescription
CountryMandatoryTwo digit ISO code (Upper Case) of the country(s).
Weight FromOptional*

The lower weight tier of these charges. To be supplied in grams, e.g. 200.

Weight ToOptional*

The upper weight tier of these charges. To be supplied in grams, e.g. 500.

Price FromOptional^

The lower price tier of these charges. Prices to be including VAT.

Price ToOptional^The upper price tier of these charges. Prices to be including VAT.
Delivery PriceMandatoryThe delivery price for this shipping selection / row. Prices to be excluding VAT.
Per Item PriceOptional~

The additional charge for subsequent items ordered. Prices to be excluding VAT.

CurrencyMandatoryThree letter ISO code (Upper Case) of the currency which the prices are supplied in
Delivery TypeMandatoryThe delivery type from the two defined options.
CourierMandatoryThe courier to be typically used for that defined shipping method.
Additional CourierRecommendedThe additional couriers you may use for that defined shipping method.

* To be completed if you wish to charge shipping based upon the total order weight.
^ To be completed if you wish to charge shipping based upon the total order value.
~ To be completed if you wish to charge shipping based upon the quantity of products in the order.

Delivery Type


Standard: Your default / basic delivery option within the country that you are based. This method does not typically offer Track & Trace or Proof of Delivery. 2-5 working day timescale.

Express: A quicker delivery method within the country that you are based that typically provides Track & Trace and Proof of Delivery. 1-2 working day timescale.


Standard: Your default / basic delivery option for international orders. This method does not typically offer Track & Trace or Proof of Delivery. 5-14 working day timescale.

Express: A quicker delivery method for international orders that typically provides Track & Trace and Proof of Delivery. 3-7 working day timescale.


In order for us to keep the customers up to date with their orders and ensure they are provided with accurate information to track their orders via our tracking solution, as well as them receive email updates on their order, the courier being used for your shipment needs to be specified in the 'Courier' field of the shipping template. If you potentially use more than one courier for a method you should add these additional couriers in the 'Additional Courier' fields. You only need to select the name of your courier from the drop-down list of couriers currently supported. If your courier is not listed please advise the Fruugo Integration Team.

If you do not provide us with the courier information your account will not be eligible to use our tracking solution to keep customers up to date on their order progress. As a result you are likely to experience an increase in Customer enquiries.

Shipping Template Download