Feed Manager, provider of high quality feed management for google shopping, marketplaces, comparison shopping engines and other integrated product feeds.
The Feed Manager integration allows you to generate a Fruugo CSV feed from the Feed Manager platform.
Status: LIVE
- Automated Product / Inventory Feed
Feed Manager has many modules available to help our e-commerce clients to understand their markets and be able to respond to their customer needs. Our dedicated team of specialists will take care of you every step of the way, from technical support to tailored advice on recommended tactics to achieve best possible results. We offer advice on which channels would be best suited for your business' specific market and typically experience the best returns.
User Set-up Instructions
The Feed Manager integration allows you to generate a Fruugo CSV feed from the Feed Manager platform; and manage all orders efficiently via the Fruugo/Feed Manager Order API.
As a Feed Manager customer, to submit your product data to us via the Feed Manager integration there are only four simple steps. These are as follows:
i) Sign-up for a Fruugo Account and notify us you are a Feed Manager customer.
ii) Inform the Feed Manager team you wish to set-up the integration and provide them with the supplied Fruugo Merchant Centre Username and Password.
iii) The Feed Manager team will complete the set-up of the integration and provide you with the product data feed URL generated which you should be provided to Fruugo for verification.
iv) Your product feed will be verified by Fruugo and providing the 'Listing Products Rules' are met the feed will be approved for use.
Throughout the set-up process the Feed Manager team will be on-hand to advise on any queries you may have prior to your feed being approved on Fruugo.