EU VAT Rates

Across the EU each country has restricted control over their taxation which operates within the framework set by the EU VAT Directives. The rates at which taxation is charged against the classification of each product types is assigned by different compromises that are agreed by the finance minsters.

The EU VAT Directives are used by the EU to set the broad VAT rules, and sets the minimum standard VAT rate at 15%. Each member state are then otherwise free to set their own standard VAT rates. The EU VAT Directive also permits a maximum of two reduced rates, the lowest of which must be 5% or above - not include the allowance for a special rate (0%).

EU VAT directive basic rules

The VAT Directive sets the framework for the VAT rates in the EU, but it gives national governments freedom to set the number and level of rates they choose, subject only to 2 basic rules:

Rule 1: The standard rate for all goods and services
Rule 2: An EU country can opt to apply one or two reduced rates but only to goods or services listed in the VAT Directive

Standard VAT rate rules
Standard rate VAT is the rate at which EU countries have to apply to all non-exempt goods and services - these are covered under Article 96 of the VAT Directive. It must be no less than 15%, but there is no maximum.

Reduced rate VAT rules
Each EU country also have the option to apply one or two reduced rates - these are covered under Article 96 of the VAT Directive which:

  • May be applied to goods or services listed (in Annex III of the VAT Directive) but not to electronically supplied services (Article 98(2) VAT Directive)
  • Must be no less than 5% (Article 99 VAT Directive)

Exceptions to the rules (Special rate VAT)
The special rate VAT refers to the multiple exceptions to the basic rules. Largely for historical reasons and under certain conditions, many EU countries have been allowed to depart from these rules for a transitional period, with the objective to allow for the gradual alignment of national laws with the VAT Directive.

It allows EU countries to keep these special rates - reduced rates under 5% (including zero rates) and reduced rates for goods and services other than those listed in the directive (Articles 102-128 VAT Directive).

Note: The VAT rate applicable to the supply of goods also applies to the import and intra-EU acquisition of the same goods (Article 94 VAT Directive).

EU VAT rates by Country

CountryStandard %DefinitionReduced 1 %Relevant DefinitionsReduced 2 %Relevant DefinitionsReduced 3 (Special Rate) %Relevant DefinitionsZero (Special Rate) %Relevant Definitions
Austria20All other taxable goods.13Some agricultural supplies, wine production, and flowers & decoration plants.10Pharmaceutical products, newspapers, printed books, and some agricultural supplies.N/A
Belgium21All other taxable goods.12Some foods and certain agricultural supplies6Some food, soft drinks (including water), some pharmaceutical products, some disabled medical equipment, some books, some agricultural supplies, and flowers & decoration plants.N/A
Czechia21All other taxable goods.15TBC10TBC

Denmark25All other taxable goods.N/A
Estonia20All other taxable goods.9TBC

Finland24All other taxable goods.14Food, some agricultural supplies, and soft drinks.10Pharmaceutical products, books, and newspapers.N/A
France20All other taxable goods.10Some food, some pharmaceutical products, some agricultural supplies, and flowers & decoration plants.5.5Some food, disabled medical equipment, and books.2.1Some pharmaceutical products and newspapers.0N/A
Germany19All other taxable goods.7Some food, disabled medical equipment, books, newspapers, medical and dental care, and flowers & decoration plants.N/A
Greece24All other taxable goods.13TBC6TBC

Hungary27All other taxable goods.18TBC5TBC

Ireland23All other taxable goods.13.5Some food, children's car seats, some agricultural supplies, medical & dental care, and flowers & decoration plants.9Some food and newspapers.4.8Some agricultural supplies.0Books, some food, some pharmaceutical products, certain feminine hygiene products, and clothing & footwear for children.
Italy22All other taxable goods.10Some food, some pharmaceutical products, some agricultural supplies, and flowers & decoration plants.5N/A4Some food, disabled medical equipment, books, newspapers, and some agricultural supplies.0N/A
Latvia21All other taxable goods.12TBC5TBC

Lithuania21All other taxable goods.9TBC5TBC

Luxembourg16All other taxable goods.13Wine, and washing & cleaning products.7Flowers & decoration plants.3Food, soft drinks, children's clothing & footwear, some pharmaceutical products, some disabled medical equipment, books, newspapers, and agricultural supplies.0N/A
Netherlands21All other taxable goods.9Food, soft drinks, some pharmaceutical products, some disabled medical equipment, books, newspapers, agricultural supplies, and flowers & decoration plants.N/A
Poland23All other taxable goods.5Some food, fruit juice, some books, and some agricultural supplies.8Some food, pharmaceutical products, disabled medical equipment, children's car seats, newspapers, some agricultural supplies, and flowers & decoration plants.N/A
Portugal23All other taxable goods.13Some food, wine, and some agricultural supplies.6Some food, some pharmaceutical products, disabled medical equipment, books, newspapers. some agricultural supplies, some medical & dental care, and flowers & decoration plants.N/A
Slovakia20All other taxable goods.10TBC

Romania19All other taxable goods.9TBC5TBC

Spain21All other taxable goods.10Some food, some pharmaceutical products;, some disabled medical equipment, agricultural supplies, some soft drinks, and glasses (eye) including frames.4Some food, some pharmaceutical products, some disabled medical equipment, books, and newspapers.N/A
Sweden25All other taxable goods.12Some food.6Books and newspapers.N/A
United Kingdom (no longer an EEA member)
20All other taxable goods.5Children's car seats.N/A
0Books, food, some medical supplies, children's clothing & footwear, and seed supplies.