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What is it?

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Catalogue is a module in Retailer Portal that displays your product catalogue in an easy-to-use interface.

The Catalogue module is available to all merchants regardless of your integration method, and only contains products that you have shared with Fruugo for publishing.

Please note that if you would like to make a change to your product data you will need to amend your source data. How to do this will depend on your data integration method, such as via a Fruugo Partner, or Manual File Upload.

What can I do?

The My Catalogue tab allows you to easily view and search your catalogue by Product ID, or by SKU ID and Quality Status by clicking View Filters.

You can use My Catalogue to better understand which products and associated SKUs you have uploaded to Fruugo.  If we find any issues with a SKU, My Catalogue will tell you the problem, and what you can do to resolve it.

What information is available?

My Catalogue organises your catalogue based on the information that you’ve provided to Fruugo. Some of the values, such as Live and Quality Status are populated by us to help you understand your SKUs better. For a detailed view of the information available to you in My Catalogue, please click on My Catalogue guidance below.